LinkedIn Ad Examples That Convert: Strategies for Success

Our LinkedIn Ad Examples, Formats, and Tips guide will help you maximize the potential of your LinkedIn advertising campaigns. In today's digital landscape, LinkedIn has evolved into more than just a professional networking platform; it's a robust advertising platform too. Over 774 million people use LinkedIn worldwide, giving businesses unprecedented access to highly targeted audiences. Whether you're a seasoned marketer or just starting with LinkedIn advertising, this article will provide you with valuable insights and real-life examples of 12 different LinkedIn ad types. Dive in to discover how to create compelling ads that deliver results in 2024 and beyond.

There are 12 different types of LinkedIn ads you can use: examples, formats, and tips

LinkedIn has become more than just a platform for professional networking; it's a powerful advertising platform, too. LinkedIn provides businesses with access to a highly targeted audience with over 774 million users worldwide. But to make the most of it, you need to understand the various types of LinkedIn ads and how to use them effectively.

In this article, we'll explore 12 types of LinkedIn ads and provide real-life examples to inspire your advertising campaigns. Whether you're a seasoned marketer or just dipping your toes into the LinkedIn advertising waters, you'll find valuable insights and tips to create compelling ads that get results.

Types of LinkedIn Ads

Sponsored Content

Sponsored Content ads are the most common type of LinkedIn ads. They appear directly in users' LinkedIn feeds, blending in with organic content. Here are three popular formats of Sponsored Content ads:

1.LinkedIn Single Image Ads

LinkedIn Single Image Ads are simple yet effective. A page with a call-to-action button contains a single image, a headline, a short description, as well as a call-to-action button (CTA). These ads are great for promoting blog posts, ebooks, webinars, and other content.

LinkedIn single image ad examples: IBM used a Single Image Ad to promote its AI-powered chatbot, Watson Assistant. The ad featured an enticing image of the chatbot interface and a CTA button that led to a demo.

2.LinkedIn Carousel Ads

A carousel ad is an advertisement in which multiple images or cards are displayed. Each card can have its own headline, description, and CTA button. This format is ideal for telling a story or highlighting various aspects of your product or service.

LinkedIn Carousel Ads Example: HubSpot used Carousel Ads to showcase the different features of its marketing automation platform, with each card highlighting a specific benefit.

3.LinkedIn Video Ads

Video is a powerful medium for storytelling, and LinkedIn video ads examples make the most of it. These ads play automatically in users' feeds and can be up to 30 seconds long. You can use them to share customer testimonials, product demos, or company culture videos.

LinkedIn Video Ads Example: Microsoft used a Video Ad to highlight how its cloud solutions empower businesses to thrive in a digital world. The video showcased success stories from their clients.

4.LinkedIn Event Ads

If you're hosting a webinar, conference, or other online event, LinkedIn Event Ads are a valuable tool for promotion. These ads include details about the event, such as date, time, and a brief description, along with a CTA button to register.

LinkedIn Event Ads Example: Salesforce used Event Ads to promote its annual Dreamforce conference. The ad provided essential event information and a registration link.

5.LinkedIn Document Ads

Document Ads allow you to share whitepapers, case studies, and other documents directly on LinkedIn. Users can view these documents without leaving the platform, making it convenient for them to access valuable content.

LinkedIn Document Ads Example: Adobe used Document Ads to share a comprehensive report on the state of creativity in marketing. The ad included a preview of the document and a CTA to download it.

6.LinkedIn Thought Leader Ads

Position yourself or your company as an industry thought leader with Thought Leader Ads. These ads feature long-form content, such as articles or blog posts, along with an engaging headline and CTA.

LinkedIn Thought Leader Ads Example: Neil Patel used a Thought Leader Ad to promote his in-depth guide on content marketing strategies. The ad showcased his expertise and encouraged users to read the full article.

Sponsored Messaging

Sponsored Messaging ads allow you to send personalized messages to targeted LinkedIn users' inboxes. This direct approach is effective for driving engagement and conversions. There are two types of Sponsored Messaging ads:

7.LinkedIn Message Ads

LinkedIn Message Ads enable you to send text-based messages or messages with images and attachments to your target audience. You can use them for various purposes, such as promoting offers or nurturing leads.

LinkedIn message ads examples: Slack used Message Ads to send personalized messages to HR professionals, highlighting how Slack can streamline communication within their organizations.

8.LinkedIn Conversation Ads

Conversation Ads take messaging to the next level by creating interactive experiences. These ads include a series of customizable conversation steps, allowing users to choose their path and engage with your brand.

Example: Hootsuite used Conversation Ads to guide users through a series of questions, helping them discover the right social media solutions for their businesses.

Lead Gen Forms

Pre-filling LinkedIn profiles with user information simplifies the LinkedIn Lead Gen Forms process. This reduces friction and makes it easier for users to submit their details.

9.LinkedIn Lead Gen Forms

Lead Gen Forms can be used in combination with other ad formats, such as Sponsored Content and Sponsored InMail. When users click on your ad, a pre-filled form pops up, capturing their information with minimal effort.

LinkedIn Lead Gen Forms Example: Marketo used Lead Gen Forms in its Sponsored Content to offer a downloadable ebook. Users could request the ebook by simply clicking a button.

Text and Dynamic Ads

LinkedIn's desktop interface displays both text and dynamic ads in the right-hand column. While they may not be as prominent as Sponsored Content, they can still be effective when used strategically.

10.LinkedIn Spotlight Ads

Spotlight Ads are a type of Text Ad that allows you to promote your LinkedIn Company Page or showcase a specific product or service. They include a headline, a small image, and a brief description.

LinkedIn Spotlight Ads Example: Salesforce used a Spotlight Ad to encourage users to follow its LinkedIn Company Page. The ad featured the company logo and a compelling headline.

11.LinkedIn Follower Ads

Follower Ads are designed to increase your company's followers on LinkedIn. They include a company logo, a brief description, and a "Follow" button.

LinkedIn Follower Ads Example: Adobe used Follower Ads to grow its LinkedIn following. The ad highlighted Adobe's commitment to creativity and innovation.

12.LinkedIn Text Ads

Text Ads are the most basic LinkedIn ad format. Typically, they have three sections: a headline, a short description, and a website address. These ads are simple but can be effective when targeted correctly.

LinkedIn Text Ads Example: Google used Text Ads to promote its cloud services. The ad conveyed a clear message about the benefits of Google Cloud.

Now that you're familiar with the various types of LinkedIn ads, let's dive into real-life examples to inspire your advertising efforts.

11 LinkedIn Ad Examples to Inspire You for 2024

Now that we've explored the different types of LinkedIn ads, let's dive into some real-life examples to inspire your 2024 ad campaigns.

1. Microsoft

LinkedIn ads don't always have to be flashy. Microsoft's ad is a perfect example of simplicity with a clear message. Their Sponsored Content ad features a Single Image Ad format with a clean image of their product, Microsoft Teams. The headline, "Stay Connected with Microsoft Teams," conveys the value proposition, and the CTA button, "Learn More," invites users to explore further.

2. Adobe

Adobe uses Carousel Ads effectively to showcase multiple aspects of their product. In one of their ads, they highlight various design tools and features. Each card in the carousel provides a glimpse of what users can achieve with Adobe Creative Cloud. Take advantage of Creative Cloud by exploring the CTA "Explore Creative Cloud."

3. HubSpot

HubSpot leverages LinkedIn Video Ads to engage its audience. In one video ad, they feature an interview with an industry expert discussing inbound marketing trends. The video content is informative and aligns with HubSpot's brand as a marketing automation platform. The "Watch Now" CTA prompts users to view the video.

4. Salesforce

LinkedIn Event Ads are a great choice for promoting webinars or virtual events. Salesforce uses Event Ads to promote a live webinar on AI in sales. The ad includes event details, a compelling image of the presenter, and a "Register Now" CTA. This encourages professionals interested in AI to sign up for the webinar.

5. Deloitte

Deloitte utilizes LinkedIn Document Ads to share valuable insights with its audience. In one ad, they offer a downloadable report titled "Global Human Capital Trends." The ad includes a brief description of the report's contents and a "Download Now" CTA, making it easy for users to access the document.

6. Neil Patel

Thought Leader Ads are ideal for personal branding. Neil Patel, a renowned digital marketer, uses Thought Leader Ads to share his articles on LinkedIn. In one such ad, he promotes an article on SEO strategies. The ad features a captivating image, the article title, and a "Read Article" CTA.

7. Salesforce

LinkedIn Message Ads can be highly personalized. Salesforce uses Message Ads to start conversations with potential clients. Their ad begins with a friendly greeting and then proceeds to introduce their services, inviting users to connect and learn more.

8. Grammarly

Conversation Ads offer interactive experiences. Grammarly, a writing assistant tool, uses Conversation Ads effectively to guide users through a quiz about their writing goals. The ad engages users and offers recommendations based on their responses.

9. IBM

Lead Gen Forms are essential for collecting valuable leads. IBM uses Lead Gen Forms to offer a free trial of their cloud services. The ad includes a brief description, an image representing the offer, and a "Submit" button. Users can access the trial by providing their information.

10. Cisco

Spotlight Ads are attention-grabbing. Cisco uses Spotlight Ads to promote a virtual event. Their ad features a colorful image of the event's logo and a concise message about the event's theme. The CTA, "Join Now," encourages users to participate.

11. LinkedIn Marketing Solutions

Follower Ads are all about growing your LinkedIn Page audience. LinkedIn Marketing Solutions uses Follower Ads to encourage users to follow their page for marketing insights. The ad highlights the benefits of following, such as staying updated on industry trends.

Beyond LinkedIn ads examples

Going beyond LinkedIn ad examples, let's explore some key strategies and tips to optimize your LinkedIn advertising campaigns for success in 2024 and beyond:

  1. Define Clear Objectives: Before creating any LinkedIn ad, establish clear objectives for your campaign. Your ad creation and targeting efforts will be guided by your goals, whether they are to increase brand awareness, generate leads, drive web traffic, or promote specific content.

  2. Audience Segmentation: There are numerous ways to target your audience on LinkedIn. By analyzing job titles, industries, company sizes, locations, and more, you can segment your audience. The more precise your targeting, the better your ad will resonate with the right audience.

  3. Compelling Visuals: Use eye-catching images or videos in your ads. Visual content tends to perform better and can capture users' attention as they scroll through their feeds. Ensure that visuals align with your ad's message and are of high quality.

  4. Craft Engaging Ad Copy: Write concise and persuasive ad copy that communicates your value proposition effectively. Highlight the benefits of your product or service and use action-oriented language in your headlines and descriptions.

  5. A/B Testing: Experiment with different ad variations. Run A/B tests to compare different headlines, images, ad copy, and CTAs to determine what resonates best with your audience. LinkedIn's ad manager allows you to easily track performance and make data-driven decisions.

  6. Landing Page Optimization: Make sure your landing page is optimized for conversions and relevant for the users. It should provide a seamless experience and deliver on the promise made in the ad.

  7. Utilize Ad Extensions: LinkedIn offers ad extensions that can enhance your ad's visibility and engagement. Consider using options like lead generation forms, website retargeting, and dynamic ads to maximize your campaign's impact.

  8. Budget Management: Set a realistic budget for your LinkedIn campaigns. Monitor your ad spend closely and adjust it based on performance. LinkedIn offers you the option to bid on ads according to the cost-per-click (CPC) and cost-per-impression (CPM) that you can set and control.

  9. Schedule Strategically: Make sure your ads appear at the right time. LinkedIn users may have different active hours depending on their location and industry. Experiment with ad scheduling to reach your target audience when they're most engaged.

  10. Track Conversions: Keep track of conversions to measure campaign performance accurately. LinkedIn's conversion tracking helps you understand which ads are driving specific actions on your website, such as form submissions or purchases.

  11. Retargeting: Implement retargeting campaigns to re-engage users who have interacted with your website or previous ads. In this way, leads can be nurtured and conversions can be encouraged.

  12. Ad Compliance: Familiarize yourself with LinkedIn's advertising policies to ensure your ads meet their guidelines. Ad disapprovals can disrupt your campaign's performance.

  13. Analysis of Performance: Use performance metrics to monitor your ad campaigns, such as click-through rates, conversion rates, and return on investment (ROI). In order to improve future campaigns, use the data collected as a basis for refining your strategy.

  14. Stay Informed: LinkedIn's advertising platform is continually evolving. Stay informed about new features, ad formats, and best practices by keeping up with LinkedIn's official blog and industry updates.

Incorporating these strategies into your LinkedIn advertising efforts, in addition to using real-life LinkedIn ad examples as inspiration, will help you create and manage effective campaigns that yield positive results well into the future.

Turn These LinkedIn Ad Examples into Inspiration for Your Ads

The LinkedIn ad examples mentioned above demonstrate the creative potential of the platform. Take inspiration from these ads when crafting your own campaigns. Tailor your content to your unique brand and audience while incorporating the best practices highlighted in these examples.

LinkedIn's advertising capabilities continue to evolve, so stay updated with the latest features 

and trends. To determine which ad format or strategy works best for your business, experiment with different formats and strategies. With the right approach, your LinkedIn ads can help you connect with professionals, generate leads, and achieve your marketing objectives.


LinkedIn offers a diverse range of ad formats to cater to different marketing objectives. Whether you want to promote content, generate leads, or increase brand awareness, there's a LinkedIn ad type for you. The key is to choose the right format for your goals and create compelling, relevant content that resonates with your target audience.

As you've seen from the real-life examples, successful LinkedIn ads have some common elements:

  1. Visual Appeal: Use eye-catching images or videos to capture users' attention.

  2. Clear Messaging: Your ad should convey its message quickly and concisely.

  3. Relevance: Ensure that your ad aligns with the needs and interests of your target audience.

  4. Compelling CTAs: Encourage users to take action with persuasive call-to-action buttons.

  5. Personalization: Tailor your ads to specific audience segments for better results.

  6. Engaging Content: Whether it's a video, article, or document, make sure your content is engaging and informative.

  7. Measurement and Optimization: Use LinkedIn's ad analytics to track performance and make adjustments as needed.

Turn These LinkedIn Ad Examples into Inspiration for Your Ads

Now that you have a better understanding of the various LinkedIn ad formats and have seen real-life examples in action, it's time to put your creativity to work. Start by defining your advertising goals and identifying your target audience. Then, choose the LinkedIn ad type that aligns with your objectives and create compelling content that speaks directly to your audience's needs and interests.

Remember that successful LinkedIn advertising is an ongoing process of testing, learning, and optimizing. To find out which messaging and ad formats resonate best with your target audience, experiment with different formats and messaging strategies. And if you ever find yourself in need of expert help, consider partnering with a reputable advertising agency like ZADA ZADA, known for its expertise in creating effective social media ads.

In the ever-evolving landscape of digital marketing, LinkedIn ads offer a unique opportunity to connect with a professional and engaged audience. Making your mark on this platform and driving meaningful results for your business is possible if you utilize the right ad formats and implement best practices. So, go ahead, create your LinkedIn ad campaign, and watch your brand shine on the world's largest professional network.

Get Expert Help

If you're looking to supercharge your LinkedIn advertising efforts, consider seeking assistance from a reputable advertising agency like ZADA ZADA. They specialize in creating effective social media ads that drive results. With their expertise, you can take your LinkedIn campaigns to the next level and reach your target audience with precision and impact. Don't hesitate to explore the LinkedIn advertising services of agencies like ZADA ZADA to maximize your LinkedIn advertising success.

In conclusion, LinkedIn provides a powerful platform for advertising to a professional and engaged audience. By understanding the various ad types, taking inspiration from real-life examples, and following best practices, you can leverage LinkedIn ads to achieve your marketing goals in 2024 and beyond.


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