Social Media 101: Building Your Online Presence From Scratch

Social media has become increasingly important as businesses strive to connect with their target audiences, boost brand visibility, and grow. A large audience is waiting to be discovered on platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn due to their over a billion monthly active users. A newcomer to social media marketing might need help navigating, especially in social media marketing. That's where Social Media Marketing 101 comes into play, serving as your comprehensive guide to mastering the art of social media marketing. Let's dive into the social media marketing guide!

What Social Media Marketing?

In social media marketing, products, services, and brands are promoted, customer engagement is achieved, and marketing goals are achieved through social media platforms. Content creation, user engagement, and data analysis are all parts of optimizing campaigns for maximum impact.

Key Social Media Terms You Need To Know

Understanding the key concepts and terms of social media is essential for successfully navigating its dynamic and ever-evolving landscape. Understanding these fundamental terms is essential for anyone exploring social media for business, regardless of experience level. In order to talk about social media effectively, you should be familiar with the following terms:

  1. Algorithm: In social media, algorithms determine what content users see. These algorithms consider user behavior, engagement, and relevance to decide the order and visibility of posts in a user's feed.

  2. To receive likes, comments, shares, and clicks, your content must be engaging. When your audience engages with your content, you have higher engagement rates.

  3. Hatchtag: In social media, hashtags are expressions beginning with "#." They help users find posts related to specific topics or trends, and businesses often use them to increase the discoverability of their content.

  4. Feed: A feed is the continuous stream of content displayed on a user's social media profile. It includes posts from accounts they follow and may also include sponsored content.

  5. Handle: A handle is a user's unique username on social media. Twitter and Instagram allow you to identify yourself using your username.

  6. Bio: A bio is a brief description or introduction of yourself or your brand on your social media profile. It provides important information and context for visitors.

  7. Engagement Rate: Engagement rate refers to how many interactions your content receives relative to how many people follow you or how many people are in your audience. As a percentage, it is usually expressed.

  8. Impressions: Regardless of whether or not your content is engaging with your users, impressions represent the total number of times the user has seen your content displayed on their screens. Using eyeball count to measure engagement with your content is a useful tool.

  9. Reach: The number of unique users across your content is referred to as the reach. Your audience size can be estimated from its potential size for a particular post or campaign.

  10. UGC (User-Generated Content): Users create and share their content, not the brands. Business owners benefit from it since it showcases real-life testimonials and experiences.

  11. Influencer: Someone with an extensive following on social media. Influencers can help brands reach a broader audience and reach a more targeted audience by promoting their products or services.

  12. Analytics: Post-performance metrics, audience information, and engagement metrics can all be found on social media platforms through analytics tools. Social media strategies can be refined by analyzing this data.

  13. CTA (Call to Action): This is a prompt that is used to prompt the user into taking certain actions, such as liking a post, clicking a link, or making a purchase when they are presented with the prompt. Effective CTAs drive user engagement and conversions.

  14. Reach vs. Impressions: Reach, as the term suggests it implies, is the number of unique views your content receives, while impressions, on the other hand, are the total number of times one individual views your content over some time, such as multiple views by the same individual over some time.

  15. Geotagging: Social media posts can be geotagged with location information. It can be valuable for businesses targeting specific geographic areas or promoting local events.

These are just a few key social media terms you should be familiar with as you navigate digital marketing and communication. For success in social media, it is vital to understand industry-specific terminology.

How To Get Started With Social Media?

Social media should be approached in the right way. Here are some steps to get you started:

Analyze your competitors.

Begin by researching your competitors' social media presence. Discover which strategies are working for them and which ones aren't. Insights into your strategy can be gained through this analysis.

Using social media accounts for specific purposes is recommended.

Setting clear, attainable goals should guide your social media efforts. Planning and executing your strategies will be more effective if you have clear objectives, whether to increase sales or brand awareness.

Plan your social media activities with a social media calendar.

The key to social media success is consistency. Publish your posts according to a content calendar. This ensures a steady flow of content and helps you stay organized.

Take inspiration from the success of others.

Study successful social media accounts in your industry or niche. Who are their target audiences? What is their favorite content? What is their engagement strategy? Learn from their strategies to inform your own.

Basic Rules Of Posting

Social media postings should adhere to the following rules to maximize their impact:

Rule #1: Make at least two posts a day.

Consistency is key. Your content will remain visible and engaged if you post regularly.

Rule #2: Create posts in the mornings, afternoons, and evenings.

Different times of the day may attract different segments of your audience. Experiment with posting at various times to reach a broader audience.

Rule #3: A visual, text and hashtags are all you need.

A successful social media post usually includes three elements: compelling text, an eye-catching visual (image or video), and relevant hashtags. The combination of these elements increases your post's visibility and engagement.

What are the best social platforms for B2B and B2C?

If you want to be successful at social media marketing, you should keep in mind that not all social media platforms are created equal. The choice of platforms depends on your business type and target audience. We will cover the best B2C (Business to Consumer) and B2B (Business to Business) marketing platforms for both businesses:

Grow Your Business Using These 6 Social Media Platforms

There is a unique strength and audience for each social media platform. Here are the six key platforms that can help grow your business:


Businesses looking to utilize video marketing can exploit YouTube's two billion monthly users, a goldmine for businesses. Building a strong YouTube following involves strategic steps that can help you stand out in the world of video content creation:

Create Engaging Content: The foundation of a thriving YouTube following is creating content that captivates and resonates with your target audience. Viewers should leave a lasting impression on your videos if they find them entertaining, informative, or valuable. Create entertaining videos that align with your niche or tell powerful stories that engage your audience.

Brand Your YouTube Channel: Consistent branding across your YouTube channel is key to establishing a recognizable identity. Use cohesive visual elements, such as a logo, color scheme, and channel banner, to reinforce your brand's presence. A well-branded channel not only attracts subscribers but also fosters trust and loyalty among your audience

Add a Subscription Button in Videos: Encourage viewers to become subscribers by adding a subscription button within your videos. This prompt invites viewers to stay connected with your channel, ensuring they receive updates on your latest content. You can use subscribers as a valuable asset for future videos since they're more likely to engage with them.

Add Keywords, Hashtags, and Mention Tags: Optimize your videos for search and discoverability by including relevant keywords, hashtags, and mention tags in your video titles, descriptions, and tags. This practice enhances your video's chances of appearing in search results and related content, attracting new viewers interested in your niche.

Link Your Online Presence: Cross-promote your online presence by linking your social media accounts, website, or blog in your video captions. This strategy drives traffic to your other platforms and fosters a broader online community around your brand.

Link Your YouTube Videos from Other Platforms: Expand your YouTube reach by sharing your videos on other social media platforms. Promote your YouTube content on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and other relevant networks to draw in a wider audience and increase visibility.

You can build a strong YouTube following if you use these strategies. Remember that consistency, quality, and engagement are paramount. Engage with your audience through comments, respond to feedback, and adapt your content strategy based on viewer preferences to ensure steady growth on this dynamic video-centric platform.


LinkedIn, the premier platform for professional networking and B2B marketing, offers immense opportunities to connect, engage, and grow in the business world. Consider these strategic steps when building a thriving LinkedIn following:

Connect with People from Your Industry: The cornerstone of building a substantial LinkedIn following is expanding your network by connecting with professionals in your field. Seek out colleagues, industry peers, and thought leaders. Engaging with like-minded individuals not only broadens your reach but also keeps you in the loop with industry updates and trends.

Create a Powerful Profile with a Recognizable Bio: Your LinkedIn profile serves as your digital resume, making it crucial to craft a compelling bio that showcases your expertise, achievements, and aspirations. By preparing a well-crafted profile, you not only establish your credibility and authority as an industry expert but also attract potential connections.

Use Keywords and Hashtags in Your Posts: Optimize your content for discoverability by incorporating relevant keywords and industry-specific hashtags. This practice enhances the visibility of your content to users searching for specific topics, increasing your chances of engagement and connection requests.

Take Advantage of LinkedIn's Publishing Platform: Create a profile on LinkedIn that establishes you as an industry thought leader. Well-structured and informative articles will demonstrate your knowledge, expertise, and experiences. Publishing not only showcases your knowledge but also draws followers who value your contributions.

Utilize the LinkedIn Pulse Content Platform: Engage with LinkedIn Pulse to reach more people. Pulse offers a curated selection of top articles, making it a powerful channel to reach a broader and more diverse audience. By participating in Pulse, your content gains exposure to potential connections and industry influencers.

Building and nurturing a thriving LinkedIn following is simple by following these  strategies. 

LinkedIn's professional environment fosters meaningful connections and valuable interactions. Stay engaged, contribute to discussions, and consistently provide value to your network to foster a loyal and influential following on this platform.


Facebook, with its extensive user base, remains a powerhouse for businesses seeking to connect with both B2B and B2C audiences. Your brand's visibility and engagement can be enhanced through the following strategic steps:

Your Facebook following will grow if you identify your target audience. Investigate their demographics and interests in order to uncover their interests, behaviors, and demographics. Content tailored to your audience's preferences can engage and loyalize them.

Fill in All the Information on Your Facebook Profile: A complete and well-optimized profile is a sign of credibility and trustworthiness. Ensure that your profile includes accurate information, a compelling profile picture, and a cover photo that reflects your brand's identity.

Connect Your Facebook to Your Instagram: If you have an Instagram account, you need to link your Facebook page to it as well. This integration allows for seamless cross-promotion, enabling you to reach a broader audience on both platforms. Your social media channels will also be branded consistently.

Find Out What Your Audience Is Engaging With: Analyze your Facebook posts regularly to see what they are doing. Your audience will respond best to a certain content, topic, or format. Your content strategy can be refined with these insights so you can provide more of what your followers are looking for.

Post 3-6 Times Per Day: Consistent posting keeps your brand visible in your followers' Facebook feeds. Your audience's interests can be aligned with your content when you share relevant, helpful content. Maintaining an active presence ensures that your posts are not overlooked and your followers stay engaged.

Invite People to Your Page: Expand your following by inviting friends, family, and existing customers to like your Facebook page. In this way, you will be able to jump-start your presence and establish a sense of community for your brand.

Boost Posts: Consider using Facebook's post-boosting feature to expand your reach beyond your current followers. Your posts can be boosted to a wider audience to attract new followers and customers.

Building and nurturing a Facebook following can be accomplished by implementing these strategies. 

In order to create a loyal following around your brand, you need to focus on engagement, authenticity, and relevance. Your content and offerings will stay engaging for your audience if you consistently deliver value.


Twitter, with its rapid-fire and concise format, presents a unique opportunity to engage with a diverse audience. To effectively build a Twitter following and make your mark in the Twitterverse, consider these strategic steps:

Brand Yourself: Your Twitter handle and profile are your digital calling cards. You can use Twitter handles aligned with your brand or personal identity to help you build a memorable online presence. Describe your passions and who you are briefly in your profile. A cohesive and appealing profile invites users to follow you.

Post Three to Seven Times a Day: The pace of Twitter demands consistent posting to keep your tweets visible in users' timelines. Aim to share valuable content, insights, or updates three to seven times a day. A steady stream of tweets ensures that you remain on the radar of your followers.

Post When the Target Audience is Most Active: When it comes to Twitter, timing is everything. When tweeting your target audience, send them during their most active times. Twitter Analytics or third-party tools can help identify peak hours when your followers are online and receptive to your content.

Study Your Target Audience: Understanding your audience is fundamental. Get a clear understanding of their needs, interests, and pain points. Engage with relevant topics and conversations in your niche. Tailoring your tweets to resonate with your audience's needs can spark conversations and attract new followers.

Use Keywords and Hashtags: Make sure your tweets are relevant to your audience by using relevant keywords and trending hashtags. Keywords enhance the discoverability of your content, ensuring that it reaches users searching for specific topics. Trending hashtags allow your tweets to join ongoing conversations and gain visibility in trending feeds.

Retweet Other Users in Your Industry: Connecting and interacting on Twitter is at the heart of what makes it so popular. Engage with content from other businesses and industries. Retweet and retweet. This not only builds relationships but also expands your reach as you become part of broader conversations.

It is possible to grow your following on Twitter effectively by implementing these strategies. 

Remember that Twitter rewards engagement and authenticity. Interact with your audience, respond to comments, and stay true to your brand's voice. Over time, your Twitter presence will flourish, and your followers will become a valuable part of your online community.


Instagram is a visual playground where storytelling through images and videos takes center stage. It's an ideal platform for showcasing products and lifestyles and connecting with a dedicated following. To build a robust Instagram following, consider these effective strategies:

Post Consistently: Your Instagram presence depends on consistency. Posts from your brand should be regularly updated to ensure your audience is aware of what's happening. It is best to commit to a posting schedule, whether every day, every other day, or every week, and stick to it every time. This reliability encourages your followers to stay engaged.

Use Quality, Trending Hashtags: Hashtags are the roadmaps to your content. Make your posts more discoverable by using relevant and trending hashtags. Research industry-specific or popular hashtags to reach a broader audience and increase your chances of landing on users' explore pages.

Collaborate with Other Users or Influencers: Collaborating on Instagram can significantly impact. Partner with other users or influencers in your niche to introduce your brand to a broader and potentially more engaged audience. Collaborative content can breathe new life into your feed and attract followers from your collaborators' fan base.

Study When Your Target Audience is Most Active: Facebook ads are most effective when posted at the right time. Making your posting schedule according to your target audience's activity is essential. Using Instagram Insights or a third-party tool, you can identify peak engagement hours. It increases the likelihood that your followers will like, comment, and share your post when you post during their online time.

Use Your Analytics: Instagram offers valuable insights into your post performance. Identify your audience's preferred content based on these metrics. See which posts have been shared, commented on, or commented on most. Your content strategy can be refined based on this information to deliver more of what your followers want.

Your Instagram following can be effectively grown by implementing these strategies. 

Remember that Instagram is not just about posting pretty pictures; it's about building a community around your brand and fostering meaningful connections with your audience. Stay committed to delivering quality content, engaging with your followers, and adapting your approach based on data-driven insights to ensure steady growth on this visually captivating platform.


TikTok, the platform renowned for its short, entertaining videos, offers a unique space for creators to showcase their creativity and connect with a massive audience. Building a TikTok following requires a strategic approach that combines consistency, creativity, and timing. Here's how to grow your TikTok following effectively:

Create a lot of videos and keep them on your feed: Being consistent is the key to success on TikTok. Create a steady stream of engaging videos and keep them on your profile. A well-populated feed not only attracts new followers but also keeps your existing ones engaged and coming back for more.

Have clean videos: If you want viewers to follow your videos easily, they must be visually appealing. High-quality visuals, clear audio, and a well-organized layout can significantly impact the viewer's experience and encourage them to follow you for more great content.

Use recommended and viral songs or sounds: TikTok's library is filled with trending songs and sounds. Leveraging popular audio tracks that are already viral can give your videos a boost in visibility. Users often search for specific songs or sounds, so using them can attract those looking for content set to their favorite tunes.

Use trendy hashtags: Incorporating trending hashtags into your video captions can increase discoverability. Trending hashtags often accompany challenges or popular trends on TikTok, so hopping on these bandwagons can get your content in front of a broader audience.

Participate in trends: Stay relevant by engaging with trending challenges and memes. TikTok's algorithm favors content that aligns with popular trends, so participating in them can help your videos appear on more users' For You Pages.

Publish early in the morning, midday, and late at night: TikTok works best when you publish early, at noon, or late at night. Research your target audience's active hours and schedule your posts accordingly. Using your audience's online time to post your content increases the likelihood that you will receive an immediate response.

By following these strategies consistently. 

Creating engaging content can build a TikTok following and become a recognized presence on this dynamic and rapidly growing platform. TikTok's potential for virality and creativity makes it an exciting space for content creators to thrive and connect with a diverse global audience.

Using social media 101: Why do you want to do it?

Understanding why you should invest in social media marketing is essential. Here are three compelling reasons:

1. You can build relationships through social media

Connecting and engaging with your audience is possible through social media. The goal is to foster community around your brand by listening to feedback and answering questions about your product or service.

2. Your brand becomes more visible through social media

Engaging with your audience consistently and sharing valuable content is the best way to reach them. You will increase your brand's awareness through social media by reaching a larger audience.

3. Increased traffic on your website is possible through social media

Strategically sharing links to your website or blog on social media can drive traffic and potentially convert visitors into customers. It's an effective way to funnel interested users to your online assets.

The difference between organic and paid advertising on social media: Social Media Marketing 101

There are two main approaches to social media marketing: organic marketing and paid advertising. To understand the differences, let's look at:

The organic use of social media

Organic marketing involves creating and sharing content without paying for promotion. It relies on building an engaged following over time through consistent posting and audience interaction.

Marketers who pay for social media posts

Paid advertising involves investing in promoted posts or ads to reach a broader audience. It provides instant visibility but requires a budget.

Organic or paid social marketing?

Your goals, budget, and timeline determine what type of marketing you choose. Organic marketing builds a loyal following but takes time. Paid advertising delivers quicker results but requires a financial investment.

Social media 101: 4 tips to help you succeed on social media

For social media marketing to be successful, you need a strategic approach. Following these tips will help you succeed:

1. Identify your business' best platforms

The social media platform needed by each business is different. Make sure you spend your time on the platforms your target audience uses.

2. Consistency across all platforms should be maintained

Maintaining a cohesive brand identity, including colors, logos, and messaging, helps reinforce brand recognition and trust.

3. Post content often

Consistent posting keeps your audience engaged and informed. Plan your posts by creating a content calendar.

4. Monitor your social media accounts to make sure they are not misused. 

Tracking your social media channels' performance can be done using analytics tools. To build a successful strategy, you must learn from your mistakes and successes.


How to Use Social Media?

Several social media platforms, such as Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter, offer the opportunity for you to register an account. Share relevant content, engage with others, and use it for networking.

How to Start Social Media Marketing for Business?

Identify goals and target audience and create profiles on relevant platforms. Engage your audience, develop your content strategy, and analyze the results.

How Does Social Media Marketing Work?

Content creation and sharing can help you reach your audience. Use paid or organic methods to promote your brand, increase awareness, drive traffic, generate leads, and boost sales. Optimize your strategy by analyzing metrics.


Staying on top of social media marketing is essential to growing a business. By mastering the fundamentals of Social Media 101, you're well-equipped to navigate the dynamic landscape of social media platforms, engage your target audience, and achieve your marketing goals.

Are you not satisfied with your current social media engagement?

However, if you find yourself falling short of your social media goals or struggling to keep up with the ever-changing algorithms and trends, there's no need to go it alone. Expert guidance can transform your online presence for the better.

Enter ZADA ZADA, a leading provider of Social Media Marketing Services. Social media campaigns can be implemented successfully with their expertise and in-depth knowledge. Whether you aim to boost engagement, increase brand awareness, or drive conversions, their expertise can help you achieve remarkable results.

Keep the vast potential of social media from slipping through your fingers. By partnering with professionals who understand the nuances of each platform and can tailor strategies to meet the individual requirements of your business, you can take advantage of the enormous opportunities it offers.

This course will prepare you for success in the field of digital marketing. However, to truly excel and stay ahead of the competition, consider enlisting the support of experts like ZADA ZADA. With their assistance, you can keep pace with the ever-changing landscape and lead the way, propelling your brand to new heights of recognition and achievement in the digital realm. Watch your business flourish in social media by taking action today.


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