Submit URL to Google:Maximizing Your Website's Potential 

Boosting your website's visibility online and attracting organic traffic requires your pages to be indexed by Google. Google, as the leading search giant, can drive countless users to your website every day.

In the following comprehensive guide, you will explore various methods and tools available for submitting your website's URLs to Google, and other best practices for successful website indexing.

Whether you're an experienced webmaster or a beginner looking to establish a powerful online presence, this guide will equip you with the knowledge and tools necessary to get your website noticed by Google's powerful search engine.

If you own a website, you likely understand the importance of having your web pages indexed by Google. After all, Google is the search giant that directs countless users to websites every day.

The question is, however, how can you ensure that Google indexing the pages and content on your website? Google submission is the key to finding the answer.

This comprehensive guide, various methods and tools provide instructions for submitting your website's URLs to Google. Whether you're a seasoned webmaster or a beginner trying to make your mark on the internet, this guide will provide you with the 

knowledge and tools you need to get your website noticed by Google's powerful search engine.

Build a Sitemap

Before we delve into the nitty-gritty of submitting URLs to Google, we need to establish the foundation by creating a sitemap. An indexable sitemap is a blueprint of your website, listing all the pages you want indexed by Google. With the help of a sitemap, search engines like Google can crawl and understand your website more effectively. A sitemap can take the following forms:

XML Sitemaps

Because XML sitemaps are in a standard format, search engines like Google can easily understand them. With a sitemap, you can discover the last time your website was updated, along with its last revision date.

RSS, mRSS, and Atom 1.0 Sitemaps

In addition to syndication, these sitemaps can also serve as search engine sitemaps. You can still use them to index your content, even if they are inferior to an XML sitemap.

Plain Text Sitemaps

Plain text sitemaps are simple lists of URLs in a text file. While they lack the structured data of XML sitemaps, they can be a quick way to submit a list of URLs to Google.

Once you've created the appropriate type of sitemap for your website, the next step is to submit it to Google.

The Google Search Console requires an XML sitemap to be uploaded

Sitemaps submitted through Google Search Console are straightforward for website owners. Obtaining the results can be achieved by following these steps:

  1. Access the Search Console by logging in. In case you haven't already verified your website ownership in Google Search Console, you should do so.

  2. Select the URL Inspection Tool from the Left Navigation Tab. Located in the sidebar, the URL Inspection Tool allows you to inspect URLs.

  3. The URL you want to enter should go here. Paste the URL of the specific page you want to submit to Google.

  4. Request Index. Click the "Request Indexing" button. Google will then review the page and, if it's okay, add it to their index.

Using the tool Inspect Element to submit URLs

In addition to the URL Inspection Tool, you can also use the Inspect Element tool to update URLs if you've made significant changes to a page. Here are the steps:

  1. Ensure that the Search Console is logged in. Your account needs to be logged into Google Search Console first.

  2. The URL Inspection Tool can be located under the Left Navigation Tab. Just as before, locate the URL Inspection Tool in the sidebar.

  3. You can resubmit a URL by entering it here. If you've updated a page, enter its URL.

  4. Request Reindexing. Click on "Request Reindexing." Google will crawl and reindex the page, incorporating your recent changes.

  5. Use URL Inspection Tool

When it comes to submitting URLs, Google Search Console's URL Inspection Tool is an invaluable resource. You can index existing URLs as well as submit new ones. The tool can be used in the following ways:

Using URL Inspection Tool to submit a new URL

  1. To access it, sign in to Google Search Console. To use Google Search Console, you must be logged in.

  2. On the Left Navigation Tab, select the URL Inspection Tool. Click the URL Inspection Tool in the left-hand sidebar.

  3. Your URL should be entered here. To submit a new page to Google, paste the URL below.

  4. Request Index. After entering the URL, click on "Request Indexing." Google will then review and potentially index the new page.

A tool for submitting URLs called Inspect Element

Now, let's say you've made significant changes to an existing page and want Google to reindex it. As well as the URL Inspection Tool, you can use the following:

  1. It is recommended to log into the Search Console. To access Google Search Console, you will need to log in.

  2. Select the URL Inspection Tool under the Left Navigation Tab. Find and click on the URL Inspection Tool in the sidebar.

  3. If you wish to resubmit the URL, please enter it below. Enter the URL of your updated page.

  4. Request Reindexing. Click on "Request Reindexing." Google will re-crawl and reindex the page, incorporating the changes you've made.

  5. Using Google API & Rank Math Plugin

For more advanced users and webmasters, leveraging Google's API (Application Programming Interface) can be a highly effective way to submit and manage URLs. Additionally, you can use SEO plugins like Rank Math to enhance your website's visibility and control over URL submissions.

Google's API allows developers to integrate their websites or applications directly with Google's services, including the indexing and crawling process. Using the API, you can automate URL submissions, monitor indexing progress, and gain insights into how Google interacts with your website.

On the other hand, plugins like Rank Math for WordPress provide a user-friendly interface for optimizing your website's SEO. With Rank Math, you can easily configure settings related to URL submissions, sitemaps, and much more. It streamlines the process and ensures your website's pages follow a structure that Google can efficiently crawl and index.

2. Strategic Internal Linking

While external backlinks are essential for improving your website's SEO, don't underestimate the power of internal linking. Your website may contain internal links that lead to other pages within it. They are responsible for discovering and indexing your content.

Using internal links strategically on your website can assist crawlers in finding important pages. For example, if you have a new blog post that you want to index quickly, you can create an internal link from a highly-ranked page on your site to the New Post. It signals to Google that the new content is valuable and should crawl and be indexed promptly.

Create Noise

In the ever-evolving world of SEO, one cannot rely solely on traditional methods. At times, you must create a little noise to get Google's attention. Here are some unconventional but effective strategies:

  • Social Media Buzz: Share your new content on social media platforms to generate immediate traffic and interest. Google often pays attention to trending topics and may crawl your content faster if it's generating social buzz.

  • Promoting your content with influencers or industry experts is one way to gain exposure. Your content can improve visibility and indexing speed when influential figures in your niche share it.

  • Controversial Content: While this approach should be employed cautiously, creating controversial or polarizing content can generate discussion and backlinks. Just be sure that your content is well-researched and supported by facts.

  • Interactive Content: Interactive content such as quizzes, polls, and calculators can engage users and keep them on your site longer. Google may reward sites with higher user engagement by crawling them more frequently.

Your website and its content should stand out positively. Prioritizing quality and relevance is always crucial.

Excluded but found pages need to be corrected.

Sometimes, despite your best efforts, Google may find and crawl pages on your website but choose not to index them. Found but excluded" pages tend to be referred to as such. There could be various reasons, such as duplicate content, low-quality pages, or issues with your site's structure.

You should check the Google Search Console regularly for any indexing issues to address this.

  • What are the chances of your website having duplicate content? By using canonical tags, you can determine which version is preferred.

  • Improve Page Quality: If you have low-quality pages that Google ignores, consider revising or removing them.

  • You should fix crawl errors on your website as well as broken links. Google may exclude pages it cannot access.

  • Optimize Site Structure: Ensure your website's structure is logical and user-friendly. Having content indexed and crawled by Google is easier.

You can make your website's pages more likely to be indexed by Google by addressing these problems

Indexing a Page: Why Is It Important?

Having a web page indexed by search engines is crucial for various reasons, as it directly impacts website indexing, Google crawl, and the overall visibility and discoverability of your online content. Below, we'll delve into the significance of having a page indexed, emphasizing the keywords you provided:

1. Improved Online Visibility:

  • In the search engine's database, indexed pages become eligible for inclusion in search results.

  • By indexing your content, you increase your chance of being found by users looking for relevant products, information, or services.

2. Enhanced Google Crawl:

  • Google's web crawlers, such as Googlebot, regularly visit indexed pages to update their content and assess their relevance.

  • By indexing your site effectively, you can ensure Googlebot can crawl and index it efficiently. Your search engine results will appear sooner as a result.

3. Organic Traffic Generation:

  • Indexed pages are accessible to users conducting organic searches on search engines.

  • You can reduce the need to spend a lot of money on advertising by having your website indexed so that organic traffic is attracted to it.

4. Optimized SEO:

  • Indexing is an important component of search engine optimization (SEO).

  • Indexing your pages properly will improve your site's SEO performance.

5. Establishing Online Authority:

  • Indexed pages contribute to your website's overall authority in its niche or industry.

  • Authoritative websites are trusted by users and search engines, enhancing your online reputation.

6. Effective Content Promotion:

  • Indexed pages serve as a means of promoting your content to a global audience.

  • Users actively seeking relevant information or solutions can discover your content through search results.

7. Enhanced User Experience:

  • Indexed pages make it easier for users to find your website and navigate its contents.

  • A well-indexed site ensures a smoother and more user-friendly experience.

8. Timely Updates and Information Dissemination:

  • When a website publishes new content or updates frequently, indexing ensures users can access the most recent information.

  • It is particularly vital for news websites, blogs, and e-commerce platforms.

9. Global Reach:

  • Global content can be indexed to reach a global audience.

  • Users from various locations can access and benefit from your information or offerings.

10. Diverse Content Types:

  • A search engine indexes all types of content, including websites, images, videos, etc.

  • Ensuring your pages are indexed means that your multimedia content can also be discovered and enjoyed by users.

11. Analytics and monitoring:

  • Indexed pages can tracked and analyzed using tools.

  • Your indexed pages' performance can analyzed by tracking your users' behavior and traffic sources.

12. Keeping up with the competition:

  • It is crucial for staying competitive in the digital world today that your pages are indexed.

  • It ensures that your website remains visible among a sea of online content.

Page indexing is a fundamental aspect of online presence and SEO. It significantly impacts website indexing, Google crawl efficiency, and the overall discoverability of your content on search engines. Your website's visibility can be enhanced by indexing your pages, attracting organic traffic, and establishing your authority in your field. A person looking to succeed in the digital world must follow this practice. 

Let's say goodbye to the Google URL Submit Tool! Bulk URL submissions to Google are no longer possible.

In the past, Google offered a tool "Google URL Submit Tool." This tool allowed webmasters to submit multiple URLs for indexing in bulk. However, Google has discontinued this tool, leaving webmasters with different methods for submit URL.

Why Google Kill the URL Submit Tool?

Google decided to discontinue the URL Submit Tool for various reasons, despite its previous usefulness in the context of site indexing, Google crawl, and submission. Several key factors influenced the decision to retire this tool.

  1. Abuse and Spam: Over time, the URL Submit Tool was abused by spammers and malicious actors to submit a large number of low-quality or irrelevant URLs. Consequently, Google's index was filled with spammy and irrelevant content.

  2. Automated Crawling: Google has advanced its web crawling capabilities significantly. Googlebot, its web crawler, constantly explores the web and discovers new pages efficiently. Improvements in crawling technology and manual submission became less necessary.

  3. Search results must be relevant and high-quality: Google's primary goal is to deliver high-quality and relevant results. The URL Submit Tool often led to the inclusion of low-value content that didn't meet Google's quality standards, affecting the overall user experience.

  4. Resource Allocation: Maintaining and processing submissions from the URL Submit Tool required considerable resources. Google decided to allocate these resources to more critical tasks like enhancing search algorithms and improving overall search quality.

  5. Structured Data and Sitemaps: Google encourages webmasters to use sitemaps and structured data to provide information about their sites and content. These methods allow for more detailed and organized information about web pages, helping Google understand and index websites.

  6. Information search and access have changed on the internet due to the evolving search landscape. Google's focus has shifted toward providing richer search experiences, such as featured snippets, knowledge panels, and other enhancements, Which is beyond simple URL submissions.

  7. Natural Discovery: Googlebot is designed to discover and crawl new pages naturally by following links from one page to another. It approach ensures that relevant and high-quality content is indexed, reducing the need for manual submissions.

  8. Website owners can monitor the performance of their websites in search engine results with Google's Webmaster Tools (now called Google Search Console). Webmasters can use this platform to monitor indexing and resolve any issues.

While the URL Submit Tool was once a useful means of site indexing and Google crawl management, discontinued due to issues related to spam, resource allocation, and the evolving nature of search. Google now relies on its advanced crawling capabilities and encourages webmasters to use structured data, sitemaps, and the Google Search Console to control and management of websites' indexing and performance in search results.

The Google sitemap and Fetch should be kept, it says

While the URL Submit Tool is no longer available, Google still encourages webmasters to use other methods to ensure their content gets indexed. Using these two methods is 


Fetch as Google

With Google Search Console's "Fetch as Google" feature, pages can be crawled and indexed. 

However, it is effective in getting individual pages indexed as soon as possible, even though it is not a bulk submission tool.


As discussed earlier, creating and submitting sitemaps to Google is reliable for ensuring your content is crawled and indexed. Your website's content is better understood by search engines when it has a sitemap.

What John Mueller Said About the URL Submit Tool

John Mueller, a prominent figure at Google Webmaster Central, mentioned that Google prefers webmasters to focus on providing high-quality, relevant content and ensuring that their websites are crawlable. Providing relevant and personalized search results is part of Google's mission.

Submitting URLs to Google is a critical aspect of managing and optimizing your website's online presence. While the old Google URL Submit Tool may be a thing of the past, there are still effective methods and tools available for webmasters to ensure their content is crawled and indexed by Google. From creating sitemaps to utilizing the URL Inspection Tool and even creating some online "noise" to attract attention, there are multiple strategies at your disposal.

By understanding the importance of indexing and staying up-to-date with Google's guidelines and tools, you can ensure that your website gets the attention it deserves from one of the world's most influential search engines. So, don't let your web pages linger in obscurity—submit them to Google and let the world discover your content.

For expert help, book a call with Zada Zada

If you're searching for personalized, expert guidance on crucial aspects of your digital strategy, such as Google indexation, URL submission, or overall online presence, look no further than ZADA ZADA. With their seasoned team of experts, ZADA ZADA offers tailored insights and strategies to empower you in navigating the ever-evolving digital landscape.

In a fast-paced digital world, having a knowledgeable partner like ZADA ZADA can make all the difference. Their consultations are designed to provide you with practical and actionable advice, ensuring your online endeavors are on the right track. Whether you're a seasoned professional looking for advanced strategies or a newcomer seeking a solid foundation, ZADA ZADA's expertise can help you achieve your digital goals.

Make your digital presence stand out by elevating it with expert online marketing SEO services. Reach out to ZADA ZADA today to schedule a consultation and take that critical step towards enhancing your online impact.


To be effective in the digital landscape of 2023, it is imperative to submit URLs to Google for indexing. The methods and tools discussed in this guide provide webmasters and website owners with valuable resources to ensure that their online presence is well-recognized by the world's leading search engine. You can control how Google crawls and indexes your website by using Google Search Console, XML sitemaps, and manual submissions.

You should still keep in mind that indexing is just the beginning of your online journey. To succeed, focus on creating high-quality, relevant content, optimizing your website for SEO, ensuring mobile-friendliness, and maintaining a regular update schedule. These practices will not only attract Google's attention Let's not settle for just good enough, let's strive to enhance and make things even better! the overall user experience and drive organic traffic.

Let's explore the power of awareness together! Google's indexing guidelines and SEO trends are crucial in today's dynamic digital landscape. By implementing the strategies discussed in this guide and staying informed about evolving SEO practices, you can continue to thrive and make your mark on the internet in 2023 and beyond.


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